Safeguarding Your Furry Friends: The Importance of Microchipping

As we celebrate Chip Your Pet Month, it's the perfect time to talk about a tiny device that can make a monumental difference in your pet's safety and well-being: the microchip.

Why Microchipping Matters

Imagine this scenario: Your beloved furry friend dashes out the door during a moment of excitement or curiosity. Despite your frantic search efforts, they seem to have vanished without a trace. This nightmare is a reality for many pet owners, but microchipping can turn the tide.

1. **A Lifesaver in Lost Pet Situations**: Microchips are a permanent form of identification that can't be lost or removed like collars or tags. When a lost pet is scanned, their unique ID number links back to your contact information, increasing the chances of a happy reunion.

2. **Security Against Theft**: Sadly, pet theft is a reality, especially for certain breeds or valuable animals. A microchip adds an extra layer of security, deterring thieves and providing a means of proving ownership if needed.

3. **Complementing Collars and Tags**: While collars and tags are essential, they can fall off or be removed. A microchip acts as a reliable backup, ensuring your pet's identity is always accessible.

The Microchipping Process

Many pet owners are curious about the microchipping procedure. Here's what you need to know:

- **Quick and Painless**: Microchipping is a simple process, often done during a regular vet visit. The microchip, about the size of a grain of rice, is inserted under the skin between your pet's shoulder blades.

- **Universal Scanning**: Nearly all shelters and veterinary clinics have microchip scanners. This universal compatibility means that wherever your pet ends up, their chip can be read, leading them back to you.

At Viva La Pet, we prioritize the safety and well-being of every furry friend. This Chip Your Pet Month, we kindly remind you to make sure your pets are microchipped and verify their chip info is up to date. You can verify the chip info by having your vet give your pet a quick scan.

Good to note: In celebration or Chip Your Pet Month, many vets offer discounted microchipping all throughout the month of May.

Remember, a tiny chip can lead to immense peace of mind. Let's chip in for our pets' safety!

**Stay Connected:**
FB: Viva La Pet

TT: Viva La Pet

IG: Vivalapet

*Disclaimer: Always consult with your veterinarian for personalized advice on microchipping and pet care.*

Celebrate Active Dog Month with us! Sign Up Your Pup for Daily Adventures!

Welcome to April, aptly deemed "Active Dog Month”, where we celebrate the boundless energy and joyful spirit of our furry friends! As the days grow longer and the weather warms up, it's the perfect time to get your dog moving and grooving with daily adventures. And what better way to do that than by signing up with to be a member of our VIP #VLPgang?

Here at Viva La Pet, we understand the importance of keeping your dog active and happy. Dogs are not just pets; they are beloved members of our families who deserve the best care and attention. That's why your dogs have been our forefront since 2004! We’re dedicated to providing top-notch dog walking services that cater to your dog's unique needs and preferences which helps to keep them healthy and thriving in countless ways.

Why should you consider daily dog walking for your furry companion? Let's dive into the benefits:

Physical Exercise: Just like humans, dogs need regular exercise to stay healthy and fit. Daily walks help them burn off excess energy, maintain a healthy weight, and improve cardiovascular health.

Mental Stimulation: A variety of sights, sounds, and smells during walks can stimulate your dog's mind and prevent boredom. This mental stimulation is crucial for their overall well-being and can reduce destructive behaviors at home.

Socialization Opportunities: Dog walks provide valuable socialization opportunities with the world outside of their yard, humans and the environment. It helps in building your dog's confidence, reducing anxiety, and promoting positive behavior around others.

Bonding Time: Daily walks strengthen the bond between human and dog. It's a special time for quality interactions, training reinforcement, and mutual enjoyment of the outdoors.

Health Monitoring: Our experienced dog walkers keep an eye on your dog's health during walks. Any unusual behaviors, limping, or signs of discomfort are noted and communicated to you promptly.

By signing up as a Viva La Pet VIP member, you're not just ensuring your dog gets the exercise they need—you're also investing in their overall well-being and happiness. Our team is passionate about dogs and treats every furry client with love, care, and respect.

How can you get started?

It's simple:Visit our website or give us a call to learn more about our variety of dog walking services.

Watch your dog thrive with daily adventures, exercise, and companionship!

This “Active Dog Month”, let's make a commitment to keep our dogs healthy, happy, and active. Join us in celebrating the joy of dog walking and give your furry friend the gift of daily adventures they deserve! Viva La Pet is here to make every step of your dog's journey a tail-wagging success. Sign up today and let the adventures begin!

All Natural Flea & Tick Preventatives

With the recent circulating article regarding a popular flea and tick collar causing over 1,000 pet deaths, we’ve decided to do a round up of our favorite natural flea and tick products. Just in time for Spring!


Please note, we cannot attest to these working 100% of the time and we ALWAYS suggest you give your pets a once over to check for ticks and fleas after spending time outdoors.

Our two personal favorites:

Bug Zone (formally known as Shoo Tags) 

These are tags with a magnetic strip that create a bug barrier for up to three months. The science behind this is quantum physics-based. We have tried these and they really work! They are 100% chemical-free.


These are sprays made with all-natural and plant-based ingredients. We personally love the rosemary flea and tick spray. Wondercide also offers a spray for your yard, which we have also used and given a thumbs up. 


Natural products we have not tried:

Kin & Kind

Another spray made with all natural ingredients.

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Natural Chemistry

A powder you can put directly onto your dog’s fur.

Only Natural Pet

A natural flea and tick collar.

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As always, be sure to read all instructions and safety guidelines for any products you will use on your pets. Check for age requirements and any usage restrictions. Last, never combine multiple flea and tick products on one animal.

Puppy Proofing 101


Cue the JAWS theme music…

There comes a stage in every growing puppy’s life when they are basically land sharks. Those tiny little teeth not only feel like needles or razor blades digging into your skin, but they can do an outstanding amount of damage around the home as well.

Let’s get right into it. Puppy proofing your home from mini daggers of pain.

Puppies are short. Their line of sight is much different than ours. Get down to their level and check out your home. Is there anything down there that looks like it may intrigue a puppy? Most likely, everything will intrigue a pup, so let’s conquer this room by room.

Remember, you can keep certain rooms “off limits” while your pup is learning the ways.

Living Room/Bedroom/Office:

Wires- Puppy teeth can easily sever a wire. Not only is this destructive but it’s very dangerous to your pup. Make sure electrical cords, phone/computer chargers and video game cords are out of your puppy’s reach.

Remotes- For some reason, a lot puppies find remotes irresistible. Place those up high and out of sight.

Pillows/Blankets- Pillows are really fun to rip apart. Keep an eye on your pup if you dare to leave pillows and blankets in a room alone with them.

Shoes/Socks- These are really fun to gnaw on and also hide. It’s best to keep shoes and socks up and out of reach or tucked away in a closet.

Clothes/undies- It’s best to keep tidy when a puppy is around. Some dogs especially love the dirty clothes pile. Invest in a secure hamper so you don’t have to invest in a zipper surgery from an intestinal obstruction.


Cleaners- It seems like common sense, but we are here to give you a friendly reminder. Keep cleaners out of your pet’s reach. Sometimes, pups learn to nudge open cabinets. You’ve been warned.

The cooktop- Depending on the size of your pup, if pups can put their paws on the counter, they can turn an oven knob. We have seen this first hand. If you block your pup in your kitchen make sure your dog cannot reach the oven knobs.

Gum/Candy/Food- From a possible choking hazard to a poisonous ingredient, many humans foods are dangerous to dogs. Common sweeteners like xylitol can be fatal. Xylitol is commonly found in gum and can be found in some peanut butters.

Medications- This is a friendly reminder to keep your meds in a cabinet when you have a puppy or counter surfing dog around.

Garbage can/compost bin- Make sure you have a garbage can that cannot be easily knocked down or nudged open.

Plants- My dog loves plants. By love, I mean, he enjoys biting their leaves as he zooms by. Click the button below to get a poisonous plant list from the ASPCA, it’s been bookmarked in our home.

By puppy proofing your home, you’ll keep belongings in tact and most importantly, you’ll keep your land shark safe and healthy.

Here’s to overwhelming puppy breath and a happy and healthy home.

Pet Obesity Awareness Day

Take a moment and look at your pet. Do they have a waist? Compare them to a photo from January of last year… Does it look like they’ve packed on some “covid LB’s”?

Since the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic, Viva La Pet, like many business, took a huge hit. Six months and some weeks into the pandemic, as businesses reopen, we at VLP are still experiencing hard times. With most of our clientele working from home, our daily walk services have dropped by a number that’s a bit too daunting to type out and publish in a blog post.

As people begin to venture out a bit more, we have gotten calls from those in our beloved #VLPfam to visit some pets we haven’t seen in months. We’ve been ecstatic to see those wagging tales again! But, (there’s always a but, isn’t there?) we’ve noticed a little change in some pets… their weight.

October 14th is Pet Obesity Awareness Day, so this is a great time to address the “number one health threat that pets face”. We know all pet owners want to provide their pets with their best life, especially our #VLPfam. We’re also learning that working from home doesn't always allow us to give our dogs the 30-120 minutes of daily exercise they require or provide our cats with the 20-60 minutes of daily exercise they need.

Viva La Pet is here to ensure your pets are living their best lives. Contact us today for a customizable exercise visit. We guarantee, with a regular schedule of exercise visits from us, your pets will lose that extra weight and gain more happy years with you.

Is Your Pet Pudgy?.jpg

Coronavirus & Your Pets

We want to let you know that however you’re feeling is okay and not being okay is also okay. Okay? (a little humor is needed in times like these, amirite?)

A common question we are asked is, “Can my pets contract Covid-19?” Well, like everything else during this time, there is no definitive answer to that. 

What we can tell you, at this point, there is very little evidence that our animals can get sick from the virus. As per the CDC, “there is no evidence at this point to indicate that pets can become ill with COVID-19, or that they can spread it to other animals or to people. Out of an abundance of caution, the CDC does recommend that if you are ill with COVID-19, you should limit contact with your pets.  If possible, have someone else take over the routine care of your pet while you are sick.  If this is not possible, wash your hands and wear a face mask while walking and feeding your pet, and avoid hugging, kissing, petting or sharing food with your pet.”

Simply put, continue to do what you’re doing by taking precaution. Part of safeguarding your pets includes proper prep in the way of stocking up on supplies that may be running low in pet stores, considering the pet supply mail delivery services are running 7-10 days behind (did we mention that we are offering supply pick up and porch drop off during the pandemic?), having care set up for your pets if you or someone in your family gets ill and asking your vet to fill an extra month’s prescription to keep yourself from having to make the trip. Also, be sure your pet has ID tags on their collar and that your pet's microchip information is up to date. It’s always a great idea to have a document saved for easy print-out that includes instructions for your pets’ care, behaviors, vets, ER contacts, favorite toys, daily routines, and more.

We’ll do another blog post detailing what to include in your Pet’s Prep Kit. 

Last, please keep taking your pets outside. Walks, playtimes, enrichment games, trick training sessions, etc are always needed. Get some sunshine, exercise and fresh air. We promise, it will make you and your pets feel a little better. Be sure to follow our social media for fun games and enrichment activities to do with your pets. 

Wishing you warm wags.

7 Intentions Your Pets Want You to Make

Like clockwork, it’s that time of year again - when we set new goals and try to improve our lives. If you're like us, your efforts to keep those resolutions are often less than stellar. So, we are dropping the term resolution and all the weight that comes along with it and taking some time to set intentions instead. Since Viva La Pet is For Pets & Their People, we’re sharing some of our pet-related intentions for the new year.

Here are some easy intentions that will improve your pet's health, happiness, and relationship with you. We guarantee many will benefit you as well!

Do a diet audit. Is your pet food high quality? Are the treats healthy and low calorie? Is your pet overweight? Is the portion size appropriate? Make 2020 the year of mindful consumption for both you and your pets.

Go for a brain workout - learn something new! Your pet's mental health should be a top priority, and learning helps keep their brains sharp. Join a training class, set aside 5 minutes for training every day, or teach them a fun trick. Wipe off your paws after a snowy walk, perhaps? Mental exercise will also keep your relationship strong. There are many facebook groups just for canine enrichment. The members share great ideas, most of which do not cost a penny!

FYI: January is National Train Your Dog Month!

Play more! Most of our pets would prefer tugs (playtime) over hugs. Buy them a fun, new toy and play with them. Toss a ball, laugh, and have fun - you'll both be glad you did. When we can’t get out to our favorite, local & independent pet store, we hit up Homegoods for inexpensive toys (which are on the “okay to destroy within 5 minutes” list because we only spent $2.99).

Treat your dog to an extra walk each day. January is also - Walk Your Pet Month - so let's try and get in one more walk - even if it's just a short potty break with a little sniff time. Or, vow to clean the litter box a bit more often. Viva La Pet can help you accomplish both!

Build your tribe by making a few new canine and people friends this year, it will be good for both of you. Visit a local park, walking or bike trails, training classes, or call friends and neighbors to schedule a cup of tea and a doggie playdate. On those frigid days, stroll through a pet store with your pup. Click the box below to see Viva La Pet’s e-book, Exploring Morris County With Your Pets! We have some pet-friendly, hidden gems listed there!

Schedule a wellness visit. Have your vet take a look at your pet every year; it's an essential step to staying healthy.

Last, and an extremely important step to take, create an emergency plan and an emergency fund. We never know when an emergency will arise. Having a plan in place as well a fund will make a stressful situation a little less overbearing. Viva La Pet is always happy to be listed as one of our client’s emergency contacts.

“There are years that ask questions and years that answer.” We wish you and your pets the best in 2020!

Tips to Help Keep Your Pet's Teeth Clean

There is a very clear connection between our pet's good health and their teeth. Just like us, our pets benefit from a professional teeth cleaning now and then. Some specialists offer anesthesia-free teeth cleanings.

However, in between cleanings there are a number of things you can do to help keep your pet’s choppers pearly white and their breath sweet.

Brushing - This is the very best way to keep your pet healthy. It will prevent bacteria build-up which can lead to tooth loss and infections including heart disease. Get a tasty toothpaste that is formulated for pets. You may want to start with a finger brush. Many pets find them a bit easier to accept over a toothbrush. After they are comfy with the finger brush, graduate to a real toothbrush, they clean better. Ideally, you should brush daily.

Wipes - Dental wipes are good for in-between brushing or if your pet isn't quite ready for actual brushing yet.

Treats - Dental treats can help clean teeth too. They should be used in conjunction with brushing. They are formulated to remove plaque build-up on teeth and will help freshen their breath too. Be sure to read the ingredients, as some treats include less than ideal ingredients.

Chew toys - There are many chew products designed to help remove plaque and tartar from your pet's teeth. They'll be so busy having fun, they won't even realize the toy is cleaning their teeth! Popular examples are toys like Kongs, Boshel Dog Ball, and some rope toys. Many cats love Kong's Cat Wubba Mouse toy for fun and teeth cleaning.

Diet - A natural, healthy diet helps too. Kibble actually does clean teeth a bit and there are some kibbles that are specifically formulated to do this. Many people swear that a raw diet and raw soft animal bones clean teeth very well. Be sure to do your research on any new food you decide to introduce into your pet’s diet. If you do switch their food, remember to do so gradually.

There are a few cons to the above choices. If your dog is a power chewer you'll need to pick treats and toys appropriately. The strongest toy on the market that I have found is called a Goughnut. Last, never give a dog rawhide (it's non-digestible) or hard bones like deer antlers (they can break your pet's teeth).

Always supervise your pet when using any of these treats, chews, or toys. Like any treat or toy, small pieces can be dangerous. Always look at ingredients to avoid things like cornstarch (corn is a common allergen), sugar, or excessive fat. And don't forget to count the calories in pet treats, they add up!

Just a few minutes a day can keep your companion's choppers clean!

Please Teach an Old Dog New Tricks!

We are taught to train new canine additions to our homes; potty training, the household rules, leash walking, and usually a trick or two. But why would we start a training program for our older dog that already knows the rules of the road?

Dogs of all ages are perfectly capable of learning! Your dog will be healthier and happier if they stay physically and mentally active, and learning new behaviors will do precisely that. Don't let them retire; keep them engaged in life by giving them new things to do! It will also strengthen your bond with them, which should make everyone happy.

There are only two requirements for training at any stage of life.

1) Your patience

2) Lots of treats! (food, toys, belly rubs!)


Keep in mind as we age, our mental processes slow down a bit (for dogs, cats, and people), so be patient with your pups. Often their hearing and vision aren't as good as they used to be, so use verbal cues and hand signals when you teach a new behavior.

Do your dog training on softer surfaces (rugs or grass) and don't train in hot weather or direct sunlight; older pups overheat more quickly.

Avoid too much repetition in training, that's boring (even for puppies)! Change it up! Keep it short and positive. Use treats or their favorite toy as a reward for training sessions. But keep an eye on their treat intake. Adjust their meals accordingly; you don't want them putting on extra weight.

Keep their physical condition in mind; don't ask them to do things that may require too much exertion. Fido may have stiff joints or a bit of arthritis, so be realistic. If your dog looks physically or mentally tired, stop for the day - pick it up for a few minutes tomorrow! If your training is going to require more physical activity than your pet is used to, get an ok from your vet first.

You can and should teach an elder pup new tricks! Teach your dog a paw-shake and we'll shake on it next time we see your pooch!

Put Your Pup to the Test!

Do you have a Heinz 57 dog? If so, you've probably wondered which breeds are mixed into your pup? Discovering your best friend's background is fun, easy, and less expensive than you might think. There are several companies that do canine DNA testing. 

Many of these companies also offer health testing for an additional cost, and this information could keep your mutt healthy. Some breeds are more prone to certain ailments. For example, some Dobermans have a genetic blood condition, and Dalmations tend to get kidney stones. Another example is the MDR1 gene, which is often found in herding breeds. MDR1 carriers have a genetic predisposition for adverse reactions to many common veterinary drugs. Knowing what breeds make up your pooch can help you and your vet with their care.

These tests are easy to take. You swab the inside of your dog's cheek and mail it off in the container they provide. The company will test your dog's DNA with its database of breeds and come up with an ingredient list of dog types that make up your canine companion.

So, how accurate are these tests in predicting your dogs breeding? The answer is reasonably accurate. It's best to pick a company that uses a large database. The two largest companies are Embark and Wisdom. Wisdom tests for over 350 breeds and 150 genetic conditions. Embark tests for 250 breeds and checks for over 170 canine health conditions.

Keep in mind that looks can be very deceiving. Just because you're dog resembles a Lab.... doesn't mean he is! Sometimes these tests are eye-opening! However, if you don't fully understand Fido's test results, both companies are very responsive and are happy to go over your dog's findings with you. Other companies may be less expensive, but they also have a smaller breed database.

Is there a downside to DNA testing? If you happen to be a worrier, then finding out what health issues your dog could develop might result in a few sleepless nights. Remember, these tests can't tell you that your dog will develop these health issues just that they have a higher risk of them.

Of course, we love our pups no matter what breed they might be, but finding out the ingredients that make your dog unique is fun! Not only does it explain your dog's looks, but it may help explain their behavior, size, and energy level.